Nothing against Baby Boy Da Prince but please LORD give me a break from all these fuckin morons that live between us! It just get me fucking mad about all those people that think that they know something about hiphop and all black music, I´m not saying that I know everything but at least I know what´s new shit to spin.. there are some "homies" and "hiphopgurls" that really belive that they are DA SHIT!!!!!
The first time i listen to The Way I Live it was like last year in september or october I really can´t remember the month and JUST NOOWWW that DJS are spinning baby boy da prince..
I´m just cranky today.
Here is some good remix from Aretha Franklin - R.E.S.P.E.C.T and I really think that will be some retarded that will ask to themselves "whos is this aretha? is she hot? is she from pussycat dolls?"
PS: This week I heard a guy saying that he didn´t knew that TLC wasn´t a group anymore! Can you believe that? Becuz I Can´t!
Um comentário:
I like the bmore version of R.E.S.P.E.C.T. but the sound quality is killin my ears and I'm listening to this at home... Hope you're not spinning this version.
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